Returning from holidays

Returning from holidays can be (often is!) challenging and even daunting. After spending days/weeks away mostly doing what we want and like to do – as opposed to what we should and need to do – then it takes some effort to readjust back to everyday life, to the routine and the demands it brings with it.

Returning from holidays

Of course, without the hard work and demands of everyday life, there can be no holiday – not that it’s such a big comfort on the first few days back. Personally, I find day 3 or 4 the hardest (today is my 3rd day back, in case anyone was wondering), because on the first and second days I was still pretty energised and riding the holiday vibe. Only now when I’m starting to settle back into my routine do I feel the pull and the longing for a little bit more time away. More time for adventure, excitement, and exploration. More time for myself.

I guess I’m not the only one feeling this way.

But actually, that’s not entirely true. When the dust settles and my body feels rested from traveling, I usually find I’m happy enough to be home and to continue with my life. The truth is that it’s been hard work to build what I have and to create the way I live. Even though I still have many aims to meet and goals to achieve and it’s all a work-in-progress kind of thing, in all honesty, I’m pleased with what I’ve achieved so far. Even though it sometimes takes a conscious effort to remind myself that despite the challenges I’m heading in the right direction.

And this is the main point – it’s about the direction our lives are going rather than how much or how little we actually achieved. Success and failure come and go but the important thing is to keep trying to achieve our aims.

If I can remember that I’m where I’m at because I chose to be there as part of my journey – I’m good. That I chose to leave a secure yet unsatisfactory job to start my own business, so I can offer a service I truly believe in – then I’m good. That I left a country where my body wasn’t happy – then I’m good. And even though these choices come at the steep price of lots of hard work and struggles, and a new beginning in a new country, it’s a price I’m willing to pay, because it means I can be true to myself, a little bit more authentic in my life, and have more room to grow.

So, not forgetting self-care, taking time to rest and adjust in a gentle transition between holiday and routine, I’m looking forward to the autumn season and all the possibilities that it will bring.

Goodbye August. Welcome, September.

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